Sunday, December 31, 2006

Christmas Eve Dinner

Rewinding a little, just wanted to share a story from Christmas eve. We had plans to depart for Torres del Paine on Christmas Day, but nothing to do the night before. We overheard some people in the hostel talking about making a big dinner, and Jer asked if we could contribute anything and join in.
The main course was a giant locally-caught king crab, which we already knew would be delicious from our culinary adventures in Ushuaia. We figured that some salmon would be a nice accompaniment, so we followed a recommendation and checked out an old woman's little seafood shop around the corner.
We were in luck! We bought a kilo and a half of beautiful salmon for about ten bucks and a few bottles of wine from the market next door. Like a bunch of busy bees, we all went to work in the kitchen. Jerica chopped up ingredients for a roasted mixed veggie dish, and I minced garlic for about half an hour straight (thanks to my roommate Mike for making me a garlic-a-holic). I fried up the salmon in some olive oil with a little salt, pepper, oregano, and a whole lotta garlic. The king crab came out delicious, the veggies were super tasty, and the salmon was a hit! The whole experience was great, as we spent several hours cooking in the kitchen with our new friends, drinking wine, and (eventually) dining together. One of the women at dinner, Claudia, had baked a whole bunch of German-style sugar cookies which she shared with all of us. Jerica told her about how her grandmother used to bake cookies like that, and how it made her so happy to be eating them. She told Claudia "you made my Christmas!" Claudia was so happy to hear that, and we heard her repeat those words to her friend later with a big smile on her face.
For dessert, we had apple-filled empanadas, chocolate ice cream cake (with a melted dark chocolate topping thanks to Jer who graciously donated a huge chocolate bar from her stash). It was a true "hostel" experience of travelers gathering together like close friends before parting ways the next day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could not imagine a more spiritual understanding of the conccept of Christmas, congratulations on a memory that will live forever in your hearts and minds. Rick and I have been reading your posts religiously and are so happy for you both. We wish you both all the very best for the remainder of your trip. Lots of love to you both!
Nancy and Rick