Sunday, January 14, 2007

Frozen Toes

My toes just about froze as I walked up the jet bridge yesterday wearing my chacos. Buenos Aires to Denver, quite an extreme change. Although it was sunny, it was about 2 degrees. Apparently, here in Colorado the snow has not stopped since I left. We've had several storms and no warm weather like we usually do to melt all of the snow. So the roads are all bumpy with left over ice and snow and all I want to do is drink tea and stay in bed. Speaking of bed, I finally got to sleep in my own bed last night. I love travel for all of the amazing adventures it brings, as well as the appreciation you gain of the simplest things like sleeping in your own bed. I also had good pizza yesterday, something I was also missing in Argentina.

Getting here was almost as fun as getting to Argentina. After the first day of trying to fly out on standby, it became very clear that I wouldn't be getting out for several weeks. So I bought another ticket, this time to Toronto for Friday night. That was one of the best decisions because then Dave and I had one more stress free day together in Argentina. We stayed at a nice place near the hotel, had yummy food, dropped our stuff off at the airport in the morning, and headed into town. We went to La Boca, an area of town with bright and colorful buildings and lots of tango dancers trying to get tourists' money. There was also quite a bit of good, cheap shopping where we found things we had been looking for all month. I found a skirt and fell in love instantly. Dave asked the shop owner if I could try it on by dancing in it. So we did a bit of Lindy to tango music in the middle of this little shopping area, and I knew I had to have it. While I was getting my things together, Dave sneakily purchased the skirt for me. What a wonderful friend I have. :) We took a city bus over to San Telmo and had a nice lunch, and then headed back to the airport.

We made our goodbye as quick and painless as possible and I headed to my plane. I had terribly mixed feelings the entire way back home. I was sad our time in Argentina was over, sad I wouldn't be hanging out with Dave all the time, but also happy to be going home with all of indescribable memories we had created over the past month. Thanks to all of you for your comments and your good thoughts for our travels. May we all have many opportunities like this in our lives...

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